Above is a picture from the development of the Gravity TRX-III outsole. After testing the first version of the sole (the black part) on varied substrates including snow, the pattern and mould of the outsole were adjusted to ensure ideal grip. The lower part is the adjusted mould after testing. This became the "master" for the work up to completion. This as an example of how we work to achieve optimal models to meet market needs.
All Ironsteel® models are uniquely designed from base, focusing on the practical work situations they are intended for. In addition, it is of course relevant to plan for what seasons, indoors or outdoors - or maybe both. Will it be wet or dry? And also, on what substrate will you operate when at work. Stay safe when wearing a pair of Ironsteel® footwear.
The video below shows how a pair of safety shoes can be put together. There is a lot of technology even though it is "just" a pair of shoes.